Welcome to the Art of Warfare: Digital Combat Simulator Division
The DCS division of TAW is a family of 100+ active members, predominantly based out of Europe and North America. Our virtual battleground takes place in Eagle Dynamics’ DCS World, where the teams engage in PvP or PvE campaigns on a weekly basis. A highly competent staff of officers ensures our missions are kept fresh, the dedicated multiplayer servers are running at peak efficiency, and in general the division is running as a well-oiled machine.
TAW DCS is organized into two battalions to suit the needs of our pilots, whether it’s geographic location or play style:
-33rd TFW North American Battalion
-CJTF-13 European Milsim Battalion
In general, due to time zone limitations, the teams fly independent of each other, however in the past the groups have gathered together for division-wide events. We utilize Discord as our communications medium where information, ideas, and off-topic shenanigans are freely shared with our friends on both sides of the Atlantic.
If you are interested in potentially enlisting, we encourage you to check out the battalion-specific sections of our site, come fly with us on the public TAW DCS servers, and consider submitting your application to join us at TAW.net.
See you in the virtual skies!