North American 33rd Squadrons

The NA 33rd is organized under three Wings: the 26th Air Force, the 6th Carrier Wing, and the 17th Whirling Scourge. Flight operations reinforce the need for coordination between all aircraft in the AO. This is facilitated through live GCI and Strike Command in every mission.

NA Command

The highest level of command at the NA 33rd consists of the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Staff Officer, Head Drill Instructor, Field Specialist (team is responsible for mission creation and enhancement), Training Specialist, and Public Information Administrator. Drilling down through the Navy, Air Force, and Rotary platoons, promotion opportunities also exist as Platoon Commander, Squadron Lead, and Flight lead. Under the watchful eye of the HDI, a staff of highly-qualified Drill Instructors conduct Basic Badge requirements with new recruits, as well as more Advanced Badge qualifications as needed. Finally, Server Administrator and Technician roles ensure the continued health of the four DCS instances operating under TAW DCS NA batallion. Those folks willing to contribute to a thriving community of DCS enthusiasts will always have ample opportunities at TAW.
Ability to stay calm and collected in stressful situations

805th Sentinels


The functions of GCI and Strike command are consolidated under the 805th Sentinel squadron. These talented staff are tasked with controlling the air war during all campaign ops. Note: any interested regular member of the NA 33rd is welcome to apply as a controller during mandatory events, regardless of the primary airframe they fly. Combined Arms (paid) or LotAtc (free) are the two tools that the controller has at their disposal to coordinate the war effort.

26th Air Force Platoon

Ready to strike day or night, the 26th Air Force houses all the NA 33rd’s land-based fighters and attack aircraft. Combining a lethal mix of air superiority and close air support, the 26th Air Force is equipped for any conflict in the Caucasus or Persian Gulf.
Ability to land and takeoff from airfields. Use basic weapons. Follow waypoints.

2/5 Shadow

Mirage 2000C

The 2/5 Mirage 2000C Shadow Squadron utilizes its speed and agility to complete high-speed, low-level strikes; dominate in close-in dog fights, and escort ground attack flights. Where the Mirage lacks in more modern technology, the squadron strikes from the shadows and gets out before the enemy knows what hit them.

73rd Gremlins

AJS-37 Viggen

The 73rd Attack Squadron focuses on precision and planned strikes. Nicknamed Gremlins, these pilots clip trees at high speeds with the AJS 37 Viggen. Like a bolt of lightning the Gremlins strike and are gone in a flash. Focusing on entrenched targets, runways and ships the Gremlins bring an extra punch to the fight. When needed, the Gremlins ride the tip of the spear as the eyes of the NA 33rd Battalion with reconnaissance missions.

81st Dragons

F-16C Viper

The Dragons roll in to the AO flying the venerable F-16C Viper. Whether the mission calls for Air to Air or Air to Ground, the Viper gets the job done. As weapons and systems come on line, you can be sure this squadron will become an integral part of the NA 33rd Battalion.

323rd Death Rattlers

F-15E Strike Eagle

Replacing the venerable F-15C Air Superiority fighter, the Strike Eagle has continued the vaunted task of keeping the airspace clear of any enemy air incursions, but she now also wields an amazing array of A2G hardware, making it a truly fearful multi-role fighter. Rattlers are stationed at various airfields around the Caucasus and Persian Gulf theatres of operation.

75th punishers

A-10C Warthog

Punishers’ tool of choice for Close Air Support missions is the A-10C Warthog. Under the protection of the CAP flights, the Punishers support rotary mission objectives by raining down terror with their massive weapons loadouts, as well as the ‘brrrrrrrrttt’.

8th TFS Black Sheep

F-4E Phantom II

The mission of the 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron is to provide allied forces with tactical and strategic support through deep penetration strikes and battlefield area interdiction as well as supporting the Ironhand mission with DEAD when called upon all while maintaining a lethal aerial presence in their respective AO’s.  The Black Sheep employ the legendary F-4E Phantom II in these roles exercising its immense ordinance carrying capability and sturdy airframe to get into a target area, put ordinance on that target accurately and get back out again all with a violence befitting this icon’s status.  Don’t be fooled by the name, these Black Sheep are anything but sheepish!  Unhindered by the Phantom’s age, they employ their aircraft to its fullest capability, always relying on sound tactics, good flying discipline and stringent planning to get the job done!

6th Carrier Wing Platoon

The Mission of the Naval Air Wing is to proficiently operate strike fighters based on the Carrier, providing a high degree of theatre wide mobility and increasing the striking distance of the NA 33rd. The Air Wing enables defense of the fleet through CAP, long range intercepts, and anti-ship strikes to ensure unimpeded freedom of navigation of ships and aircraft in ocean and coastal areas. The Wing is capable of conducting strikes on strategic and tactical targets deep into enemy territory while providing its own escort and SEAD flights and will also stay proficient in supporting CAS requirements. Our mandate is that the entire Navy team works together towards this common goal, and at the end of the mission we all safely return to the ship together.”


You MUST own the DCS Supercarrier module to fly with the Navy.

You have a desire to learn and become proficient at all weather day and night carrier recoveries, following Case 1, 2, and 3 procedures.

Ability to land and takeoff from airfields. Use basic weapons. Follow waypoints.

VF-133 Wolfpack

F-14B Tomcat

The pre-eminent carrier interceptor, the Tomcat’s main role is Combat Air Patrol, however their A2G avionics and considerable bomb-carrying capabilities make them a suitable platform for ground attacks as well.

VFA-135 Black Knights

F/A-18C Hornet

Given the Hornet’s broad array of loadable armament, the squadron’s current duties include performing the roles of CAP, SEAD, and Strike. The Black Knights are exclusively based on CVN-74 John C. Stennis, operating from wherever conflict may arise.

Marine Detachment
(Under the 6th Carrier Wing)

The Marine Detachment focuses exclusively on air to ground tasking, including co-operating on CAS roles with Rotary and A-10s, providing AFAC, and also performing DEAD of SHORADS and LORADS. They also train to strike heavily defended targets and perform long-range vehicle interdiction. Their hornets and harriers typically deploy from the shore but can also participate in ship-based operations to support the NA 33rds mission’s when needed.

Ability to land and takeoff from airfields or carriers. Use basic weapons. Follow waypoints.

VMFA 251 Thunderbolts

F/A-18C Hornet

The newest squadron to the NA 33rd, the Thunderbolts utilize the powerful and the versatile F/A-18C Hornet. With their precision guided air to ground munitions and highly capable air to air arms, these air craft have a massive inventory of destruction to rain down on the enemy.

VMA 103 Outlaws

AV-8B Harrier

The highly versatile Harrier is the Marines primary striker air craft, capable of using a wide range of Air to Ground Munitions. Whether from high or low, near or far, land or sea, the AV-8B is a highly capable heavy hitter and will wreak havoc on the battlefield.

17th Combat Aviation Brigade

The 17th Combat Aviation Brigade is a section of the Army, under which all rotary aircraft are consolidated within the NA 33rd. Their deployments consist of a variety of tasks including: scouting and target designation, close air support, SEAD, combat search and rescue, and logistics. If you think that runways are for the weak, like to defy physics and beat the air into submission, then this is the platoon for you.
Unlike other platoons of the NA 33rd, squadrons are split into roles and not airframes, where Attack choppers make up the Hellcats, and Support/Transport helos are identified as the Hell’s Archers. Our latest role addition is the Scout helo known as Banshee.

Must understand basics of helicopter aerodynamics and have a desire to learn and increase proficiency in your selected air frame.

7th Hell Cats

AH-64D Apache / KA-50 Black Shark 3 / Mi-24P Hind

When maximum battlefield destruction is the order of the day, The 7th Hell Cats are the squadron that the 17th Combat Air Brigade sends into battle. Being able to equip a variety of guided and unguided munitions, as well as precisely aimed cannon rounds, the Hell Cats take full advantage of their advanced sensors and long loiter times to hunt their prey, proving an invaluable asset in the field.

If leveling the battlefield up close isn’t you’re forte, the Hellcats offers a second unit, the Stalkers. These birds primary responsibility to to place war heads on foreheads and assist the entirety of the NA 33rd with finding, lazing, and guiding munitions from all our fixed and rotary wing platforms. 

3rd Hell’s Archers

UH-60L Black Hawk / UH-1H Huey / Mi-8 Hip / CH-47F Chinook

The 3rd Hell’s Archers are the support and transport squadron of the 17th Combat Aviation Brigade within the North American (NA) 33rd DCS TFW.
If you have ever dreamed of flying military helicopters in combat lift support missions, then the Hell’s Archers are for you!
The Hell’s Archers mission is to keep the “buses a coming” in order to support the front lines by supplying troops, transporting troops, equipment relocations and drop offs. Special combat missions to include Special Teams insertion/extraction, strategic positioning of weapon, and camp emplacements, and Combat Air Support (CAS). These are but a few of the many different rolls the Hell’s Archers play in order to support the mission.

4th Banshee

OH-58D Kiowa Warrior / SA342 Gazelle

The 4th Banshee is the scout squadron of the 17th Combat Aviation Brigade. When swift and rapid reconnaissance is called for, the mighty 4th is sent in to save the day! Operating with precision, the Banshees expertly locate and assess enemy positions while maintaining an unseen presence. Their mission is to provide critical intelligence that ensures the safety and success of friendly forces. Although lightly armored, they can strike as necessary to suppress the enemy when called upon.