Hello virtual air combat enthusiasts,
The Art of Warfare is a massive gaming community, comprising of many different gaming titles and thousands of active members. To get straight to the point, if you decide to be a member of TAW, we expect you to be active as well.
The TAW DCS DIVISION today, nearly has 100 active members from EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA.
Our setup is according to USMC ranks, where all members are expected to earn ranks and medals, by contributing to the community by helping out with training pilots, making missions and briefings, aircraft skins, website content, social media content and last but not least; the always very fun daily administrative tasks that are to be expected within an organized community.
We have 3 different Battalions, that differentiate by either geographical location, or type of game play.
These Battalions are as follows:
– 52nd Battalion – Location: EUROPE and MIDDLE EAST – PvP style missions with all players combined and also with dedicated squadrons for international PvP Competitions, and an Aerobatics Team. They have a very Professional setup, but with having FUN and REALISM mixed in a way that can be easily combined with real life obligations.
– 33rd Battalion – Location: NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA – PvP style missions with all players combined and also with dedicated squadrons for international PvP Competitions, and an Aerobatics Team. They have a very Professional setup, but with having FUN and REALISM mixed in a way that can be easily combined with real life obligations.
– CVW-88 Battalion – Location EUROPE and MIDDLE EAST and soon USA – PvE/PvP style, Full Fidelity modules only, NAVAL Operations Oriented with 100% Hardcore Virtual Realism in their setup, procedures and missions. The requirements for joining this Battalion are a step higher than for the 52nd and 33rd Battalions, meaning you should already have experience in DCS and have a specific mindset, where the aim is to be as realistic as possible in all combat aviation topics.
We are always looking for more members to add to our big and active community, so our missions can be played with as many human players as possible, to create that awesome realistic and immersive feeling.
We are currently looking for new Fighter pilots, Striker pilots and Helicopter pilots.
We are also looking for members who love the strategic side of missions, so people who own Combined Arms (or are willing to buy it) so they can provide human JTAC, AWACS, ATC and control ground forces.
There are of course limitations in DCS for the amount of players that can be hosted on a single server, but we have multiple high end servers at our disposal to accommodate numerous clients.
If you join TAW DCS, as stated earlier, we expect from you to be an active member, who wants to help in any facet of a community, be friendly to all and treat every single person with respect and honor, but most of all; having fun doing realistic combat missions in the amazing and great Digital Combat Simulator software!
Oh and one thing: this is NOT a game!!
We expect you to attend your squadron’s weekly training sessions and our weekly larger mission events.
Communication is KEY TO SUCCESS in TAW, a simple email, TAW.net website message, or Slack message (the communication program we use, outside of TeamSpeak) goes a long way in mutual respect, if real life comes in the way of your community life!
So if after reading this, you are excited and motivated to join our TAW DCS Community, please go to the following link to sign up:
JOIN TAW in the top menu on the right!
This website is different from our main TAW website, which is: www.TAW.net
We wish you all blue skies and hope to hear from you!